Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Comes To An End.......


     To say that this year has been an almighty trial would be like saying the ocean is wet!  I won't go into details right now about all that we have had to deal with but I can honestly say that if not for the Grace of God we wouldn't be here right now.  Susie is the proverbial optimist and even SHE is having a harder than normal time staying positive. (She sees the glass half full while I on the other hand not only see it half  EMPTY but filled with something I didn't order!)  I would like to think that this years ordeal has made me a stronger person but that's yet to be seen. One thing I HAVE learned is that regardless of the hopes and dreams and goals we have, other peoples matter how ill conceived or un-thought through they may be....still have a dramatic effect on us.  I had started this year with what now seems to be "lofty" ambitions and goals only to now be sitting here at the end of the year both wondering where the year went and praying for my next breath.  At the core of everything, Susie and I still CLING to the fact that GOD is still GOD and that nothing we face takes Him by surprise and as HIS Word says, "He will NEVER leave us or forsake us" so maybe I will just be glad for my half EMPTY glass regardless as to whats inside and face tomorrow in His strength.

Friday, July 20, 2012

An Old Saying

Remember when you were growing up (and even AFTER you were supposedly grown up!) and were told "If you don't have anything nice to say, then just don't say anything at all!"?  Well.........................

With the year we have endured, I've said about all I had better say!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Still Alive....But Just Barely!

     I see that this has been a much longer time between postings than I had EVER imagined it would be. I had INTENDED to start the new year out on the right foot and make at least one post a week but things have transpired that has made that impossible. Since the beginning of the year life has dealt us wave after wave of troubles that I never imagined that we would be facing. We lost one of our grand kids, our son was falsely charged with domestic assault and thrown in jail, (he has since been cleared of all charges and we are having his record expunged), we have seen more of the inside of the jail and court room than I had EVER wanted to see in a million lifetimes, we have been supporting him as he goes through a divorce and has been denied the chance to see his kids, and we have not been allowed to see them ourselves since late January. This has been the most intense and trying time I think we have faced in over 30 years of marriage but GOD is still faithful and on the matter what happens to us! At least in this I can take comfort.